welcome to Inayahs eco diary!

Welcome, welcome make yourself comfortable here. Why hello everyone, this is my blog i hope you enjoy it as much as i do because this is the first time i ever had an amazing blog! Well this blog is about the earth and what lives on it. It might be an armadillo or the endangered panda. It can be even about recycling right? (for writing this blog is mostly for the ages nine and under, sorry!) So please if you think it is good send me a comment. If you think it is bad than say it is bad in the "send comment" box. So thats all for my numb fingers on he keyboard.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth day!

Hey every one, its earth day, or to do more earthy things, its earth week! You know, this special day doesn't have to be a week, it could be every single day. In fact it has to be every single day. I am extremely excited write now! We could do a million things today since its earth day (not literally). Earth day is celebrated with pride to the gift of our earth. So let us take a minute to think about the second greatest gift ever invented........................................................................... OK!!!!! Lets focus on earth day now. On earth day we should do the following things: Play out side in the fresh air when you need to, turn the lights off when you don't need them, use less electronic stuff, reduce reuse and recycle your waste and garbage, use less water, eat less meat, wash dishes by hand, when you are cold wear a sweater and don't turn on the heat, tell other people about earth day, never leave your (parents) car running the head lights on, use less paper, and many many more! See i told you we could do a million things on earth day. Well, happy Earth Day every one!

1 comment:

  1. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese can you gyse feed my fish, it will be a very helpful favour!
